Rose distribution begins at 10:30 a.m., prior to the Rose Day Rally, on the 4th Floor Rotunda. Participants are encouraged to bring and deliver a red rose to the office of each of their legislators encouraging them to protect the lives of the unborn and ask those who are not pro-life to support pro-life issues. District maps and listings are posted near the registration tables to help with ease of finding offices and legislators. After Rose Distribution, the Rose Day Rally will begin at 11:45 a.m. in the House Chamber. Legislators who attend the rally in support of life will be recognized.
The morning will be devoted to visiting state legislators, urging their support for pro-life legislation here in Oklahoma. (The fourth and fifth entries under ID Your Legislators at www.OKforLife.com will identify your state senator and state representative.) Please come and show your support for the unborn child. I hope to see you there!
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