Sunday, August 31, 2008

Progress for divorce support, new confidence through pageantry, and my upcoming school year!

Dear friends,
Thank you so much for your kindness and support during this busy time. I have just begun my third semester as an applied math student and teaching assistant. I'm teaching three classes (which are full of wonderful students, by the way!), taking Numerical Differential Equations with Dr. Shirley Pomeranz, and working on two projects in the department. Everything is right on schedule. I admire the professors and peers I am working with, and I can already tell that I'm going to learn a lot this year!

My experiences at Mrs. International have had added rewards in all aspects of my life. I'm more proactive and confident as I continue to promote divorce support for youth. As a result, we have four new prospective chapters of Banana Splits this fall! Two chapters will be located in Tulsa Public elementary schools. We will have one church-based chapter, and another school based chapter in Oklahoma City. So many children will get the help they need, and in the meantime, we are building a legacy of progress so that other schools and community centers can look to these models and establish chapters of their own. It is my belief that these divorce support programs will be so successful that every school will want one, after we can show that we are getting results. I know there will be ups and downs, and like any new program, there will be a learning curve and a period of growth, but the compassion and enthusiasm are there in our volunteers and it is my hope and prayer that every thing will move forward as it should.

I'm also beginning to believe in my mathematical abilities, my speaking skills, and my knowledge of divorce support, math, teaching, and people. I know that I still have a lot to learn -- that is certain -- but my experiences at Mrs. International showed me that I can and should be confident in my abilities. As a person with perfectionistic tendencies, I often see all of the room I have for improvement, and I strive toward that improvement, but I also tend to believe the Groucho Marx quote, "I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member." I've tended to minimize my accomplishments and abilities in an effort towards humility, but I've often arrived at lower self-esteem. As a result, I think I have often underestimated myself. Being named fourth runner-up at Mrs. International, and knowing that had I been more confident, I could have performed even better, has helped my attitude towards my strengths in general. I feel like Stuart Smalley on SNL, looking into the mirror and saying, "Because I'm good enough, smart enough, and dog gonnit, people like me!" That doesn't mean I'm arrogant or conceited, but I have a new appreciation for my God-given talents, strengths, and personality. I'm progressing to truly believe my grandmother's words: "You're no better than anybody else, but you're just as good." I understand it on a new level now. I'm grateful to God and the Mrs. International organization that I have learned this. I feel it was meant to be, and now I can move forward in my career, volunteer work, and social and family life knowing that I have something to offer because I'm uniquely myself. It has been a wonderful and rewarding journey, and it has just begun!

This year, my best girl-friend Stephanie is getting married and I'm her matron of honor, planning our trip to California wine country for spring break. She's getting married the week before I graduate. I'm going to be busy with Banana Splits, volunteering at one TPS school, giving classroom presentations to youth about their family structures and self-esteem, and doing fun appearances like the Tulsa Wedding Show and singing the national anthem at TU football games. I'm also attending theMs. Senior Oklahoma pageant next weekend at the Southeast campus of TCC at the Van Trease Performing Arts Center. This is presented by Grace Hospice and is a benefit for them. I had the opportunity to judge this pageant last year, and it was one of the most beautiful, inspiring things to hear the stories of these incredible elderly women and to see that true beauty is ageless. Ladies, we can still be beautiful at 99 because it is what is inside us that matters! I'll be working with unbelievably intelligent people in the math department at TU. I will be learning about math, but also learning about their habits and discipline, the qualities that make them successful, not just as mathematicians and analysts but as people. I will give up my title in April. A week later Steph will get married. And a week later my family will fly in from Florida to watch me become "Master Sasha!" We joke that I'll be Master Sasha until I become Dr. Sasha. I'm also taking better care of my heart, exercising at least 30 minutes each day and watching my diet. I've been reflecting a lot on my grandmothers and their illnesses, and thinking forward to my children, and my children's children. I want to not only be there for them, but also to be a good example of good habits for them. This is going to be an incredible year! I'm so excited!

Thank you for joining me on my journey.

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