My life as a happily married wife, mommy to three awesome doggies, Mrs. Green Country and an advocate for children & families
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Child of Divorce Blog

We are the voice of children who have gone through a divorce.
We were once "the child of divorce."
When I was asked to contribute to the The Child of Divorce blog, I began to worry. I began to worry about my parents, about sharing too much. I worried about how exposing my vulnerability will be seen, by some, as exposing weakness. The child of divorce I once was even worried that I would be seen as unfit, unworthy, to become Mrs. America, because of the conflict I witnessed and the pain I had been through as a teen. I realized that the children of divorce we strive to help can relate to that too. They worry about being labeled. Being lovable. Being normal. One ex-boyfriend's mom once said to me, "Sasha, you are just the picture of resiliency!" I realized that sharing, and soon following that sharing with real techniques on how to cope in a healthy way and feel better, was the best thing I could do for these kids.
I'll include my mom in the process too. I want to be certain to honor my parents, while being honest about what the divorce was like for me, and what it was like for my two younger sisters. I have no idea what it is like to be a divorcing parent. I can only speak about my experiences as a child of divorce. I called my sister Jade this morning and she had one experience that stood out to her. It was Easter Sunday. I'll share it with you too. There are so many unspoken stories. We say with a smile, "I'm fine. I have two sets of parents now!" The reality is that in some ways, we were fine, but in other ways, we were definitely not fine. I hope my willingness to share will give others the courage to speak up and do something to support children after divorce.
Save the Date!

I will helping out at the Tulsa event, downtown at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. I hope to see you there!
About the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative

About the Workshops
OMI provides an educational approach to relationships. Workshop leaders are not counselors, but teachers, sharing what research has shown will help love last. At a Forever. For Real. workshop, couples will learn proven techniques, skills, and attitudes that help make love last forever - for real. We teach couples how to communicate well when it really counts, and provide a framework to help couples protect and nurture the positive aspects of their relationship. The curriculum is research-based and frequently updated based on new research at the University of Denver and other institutions.
We have workshops geared toward teens, singles, college students, prisoners, and new parents. Our goal is to teach communication and relationship skills to everyone, wherever we can, in a way that is appropriate and engaging for the given audience. We teach teens before they get into relationships. We teach singles who want their next relationship to work. We teach couples, who want to strengthen and enhance their relationship, ultimately preventing divorce. We also teach new parents, because navigating this wonderful and exciting change for the family can put strain on a marriage. The skills and attitudes we teach are simple but unknown for most participants, because we often lack great examples in our homes and relationship skills are not taught in school. If you're a willing student, we're ready to teach you.
Harnessing the Power of Volunteers
OMI recruits, trains, and equips volunteers with the tools they need to lead relationship workshops all over the state. Earlier this fall, we hit a milestone: Over 200,000 people served! I know that OMI programs are serving their purpose because my marriage is better because of the skills I've learned through PREP. All of this is possible through the generosity, unique backgrounds, and skill sets of volunteers.
After an application process and four day training, volunteers trained in specific curriculum are able to lead as many workshops as they can organize, with full support from OMI. All participant workbooks, etc. are requested from OMI and sent to the workshop leader before the workshop begins. Newly trained workshop leaders are asked to lead a minimum of four workshops within their first year.
Here is an excerpt from the workshop leaders information page:
"In order to truly affect the marriages and relationships in our state, OMI workshop leaders need to be highly motivated and good presenters with a commitment to the work of strengthening families. The expenses of the training seminar, training materials and workshop delivery materials are provided free of charge by the Department of Human Services. Continuing education units are available for a variety of licensures for approximately 18 hours of credit including LBP, LMFT, LPC, LCSW and Licensed Psychologists. Within my Reach Workshop Leaders must have ready access to the priority population for these services, single heads of households who are economically disadvantaged and at higher risk for negative relationship outcomes."For more information about becoming a workshop leader, click here.
Upcoming Training Opportunities:
April 28-30, Tulsa
October 4 -6, Oklahoma City
Within My Reach Training
March 3-5, Oklahoma City
June 9-11, Oklahoma City
PREP Workshop Testimonials
(from the OMI website):
Beyond Oklahoma"This class was awesome for me, so very helpful and useful in my life at this very moment. I learned things that will help me grow as an individual person as well as the other half of a relationship team." -Workshop Participant
"This helped me understand my mate more. We are trying the speaker/listener technique. We are doing 100% better since I've been here. Thank you!" -Workshop Participant
"I feel this workshop was helpful to me as a woman. The things I learned can help me to gain a healthy and long-term relationship" -Workshop Participant
"Thank you for providing this workshop. I feel that this should be required for every couple before marriage. This workshop is a stepping stone for creating a long, lasting, happy, fulfilling marriage." -Workshop Participant
"This program has changed my views and attitudes about men, relationships, but mainly it has helped me change myself for the better. Not only can I communicate with my partner but also with my children, family, and friends."
-Workshop Participant"I'm happy there is a structured form of communication given to try and experiment with. Not just a counselor sitting and listening to both parties complaints. Yea, a tool is given." -Workshop Participant
"The class was great! My husband and I enjoyed the day and also learned so much. In the end, my husband thought that the class was worth going to instead of going to look at bulls like we had previously planned!" -Workshop Participant
I hope the information above gives you a better idea of what the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative is all about. Texas has a similar initiative, called TwoGether in Texas, and it is my understanding that their program was modeled using our very own OMI.
Oklahoma is doing something groundbreaking here. We're investing in marriage, in family, and in relationships, in a way that hasn't been done before. Over the past 10 years, the OMI staff has learned much through trial and error. We have found a lot that works and some things that didn't work, by trying everything we can to educate Oklahomans about relationships. Now other states are looking to us as an example. Click here to learn more about the history of the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative and lessons learned along the way.
Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions, and I'll try to answer them for you!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Making Christmas Special for Your Spouse

I haven't shared this on the blog before now, but Bobby was laid off at the end of August, the day after I was awarded my Mrs. Tulsa America title. Bobby found a new job, a better job, with much more opportunity about six weeks later, so the initial blow turned out to be a blessing. Still, Bobby and I aren't in a financial position to spoil each other this year. This has given us the grand opportunity to be creative: What can I give to the man who has everything in a year when we don't have as much as we're used to? How can I show my husband just how special and wonderful he is without buying him a fancy new accessory for his camera or some extravagant appliance for the kitchen? (He loves to cook!)
About 2010 years ago, our Lord gave us the most wonderful gift imaginable: His Son. He brought unconditional love, forgiveness, mercy, and reconciliation. His presence paved the way for the gift of the Holy Spirit. In turn, we were given new lives and the chance to have a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe. Christmas is about the greatest gift our God could ever give us: His Son, and through His Son, the opportunity to have a personal relationship with Him. God has given us so much, so we praise Him, glorify Him, share the good news, and pass it on. Love God and love others -- in practical ways. How can you love your spouse this year?
Here are a few ideas:
1. Give a gift of service for your spouse without expecting anything in return. Do something without being asked to make your spouse's life easier or more pleasant.
2. Offer to help your spouse with anything they need. Stop making demands and offer to be a helper instead!
3. Give the gift of kind words. Write a letter or note, telling your spouse how much he or she means to you. Point out all of their good qualities, quirks, and the idiosyncrasies that made you fall in love with him or her. You can point out the nice things they do for you, but be sure to focus more on your spouse's intrinsic qualities than their service to you.
4. Give the gift of recognition. Some people want to be recognized for their contributions. Thank your spouse for the service he or she renders for you, your family and community through their work, community involvement, or housework.
4. Give the gift of being together. Take hot cocoa on the road and drive through town to look at Christmas lights. Watch an old Christmas movie. Make s'mores in your living room.
5. Send romantic text messages just to show you care.
6. Buy some mistletoe and hang it in your house. Then hug and kiss your sweetie with no ulterior motives. Some people feel loved when they touch others. It helps them feel connected. Smooch your spouse to show your mate that you love him or her and that you find him or her physically attractive.
7. Buy thoughtful gifts under $20. Remember, it is the thought that counts! Be creative and find a gift that shows you care.
8. Appreciate the thought behind whatever your spouse buys for you. Finding the time and money for the perfect gift is tough, and it seems to get more challenging every year. Remember that your spouse did their best! Be grateful for their kindness, even if you don't like the gift.
8. Praise God for your spouse! Share what you are grateful for with your spouse and others. Thankfulness is contagious.
9. Have a spirit of forgiveness. The holidays can be stressful. Overlook minor mistakes and make the effort to reduce your partner's stress this year, not add to it. When times get stressful, look for and ask how you can help.
I hope this helps you to make Christmas and Christmas Eve special for your mate! I know Bobby and I don't have a lot of money this year, but we could never be disappointed...because I have a wonderful husband and he has me. I love him so much. His smile brings me so much joy! I try to show him my love, by being his helper and not his burden, and in giving to him, I receive so much. I am truly blessed. :)
Remember: Decide to make your relationship a priority, make it safe to connect (by forgiving and being kind to each other), and do your part to make Christmas special for your sweetie. It really is better to give than to receive! I hope these ideas work for you. Let me know how it goes! Merry Christmas Eve!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Sharing Good News, Upcoming Events for OMI

Amanda also gave me invaluable insight regarding coordinating volunteers for Blended Love, and we had a great time catching up and talking about education. I wish I had had her help in English when I was in college and I probably could have helped her through her summer algebra class. :) Amanda and I will be distributing literature and signing up couples for Forever. For Real. events at the Tulsa Wedding Show on January 9. On February 6, we will have simultaneous Forever. For Real. events especially for engaged couples in multiple locations throughout the state. I'll be helping out in Tulsa at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Please follow the link to save $45 on your marriage license and learn skills that will help your love to last forever (for real!).
I absolutely love teaching this material. I learn more about being a better helper for Bobby every time I teach it, so I am looking forward to leading Forever. For Real. workshops this spring. Engaged couples can save $45 of their marriage licenses by attending. Please visit the link to find a free class. I hope to see you there!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
PSO Parade of Lights

Thank you Larry Fox for the signs! They were perfect!
Thank you to Larry Fox, Kerry Rowland, and all of the staff and volunteers who made the PSO Parade of Lights possible.
Thank you!
Midtown Martial Arts' Break-A-Thon
School Assembly and Classroom Presentation at Skelly Elementary
The speech was about making a difference and making conscious decisions to do what is right, rather than sliding into behaviors that may be easy or comfortable. The school also welcomed two new Partners in Education: Bounce U, and On the Border. Partners in Education adopt local schools and agree to support them. What a special blessing! And what a special school! Ever since my first visit to Skelly, it was clear to me that the leadership was guiding children to become productive young men and women of character. I wish I could adopt Skelly Elementary!
BMX Grand Nationals
Speaking to Mrs. Mills' Class at Skelly Elementary
Speaking to the Boy Scouts
The Bethel Foundation Open House
All-American Idol

I'd like to say a special thank you to Miss Rachel Hart who did my make-up for the show! I have never felt so beautiful! Thank you for helping me to look better than my best has ever been!
Prashe Fashion Show
The following photos do not do the event any justice! Still, here are a few photos from the event.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It has been a busy month! While I have uploaded my photos from my November and early December appearances, I haven't had time to sit down and write about them. It's the end of the semester. I am preparing to administer final exams, finishing up some grading, and submitting grades this week.
I also had my first experience as Toastmaster last week (Thank you to everyone, but especially Mike Dobbs, for making this first-time experience as painless as possible). I have been giving presentations to Mrs. Mills' 5th class, I spoke to a very young group of boy scouts, and I spoke to the third, fourth, and fifth grade classes at Skelly Elementary's student of the month assembly last week. I have had so much fun and I have learned as much from these students as they have probably learned from me. I am finding it much harder to relate to children at 27 years old than I found the same task when I was 19 or 20. It's just been so long since I was 10! I also did some modeling in November (which was fun and is helping to fund the pageant expenses), celebrated my wonderful sister-in-law Carla's (29+1)-th birthday, had a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner at my sister-in-law Melissa's home, and sang the national anthem at the BMX Grand Nationals, the biggest BMX event of the year (other than the Olympics).
I was also elected Vice President Public Relations of our Toastmaster's club. My experiences in Toastmasters have been so helpful to me. It is my hope that my participation, preparation, and public relations efforts will benefit others and introduce new people to our wonderful organization. Visit our club online.
I am looking forward to doing more with Blended Love, a wonderful Tulsa-based organization that supports children of divorce in public schools, and continuing to support Kendall Whittier, Inc.'s programs, especially the new Fab Lab project, this year. I look forward to teaching many more marriage workshops for OMI as well!
While I find myself looking ahead a lot as 2009 comes to a close, I am doing my best to take the time to enjoy the present moment, to serve in small ways where I am, and to always give the glory and honor to God, where it belongs. I am confident and excited about the future because I know I'm the daughter of an amazing all-powerful God! But I also know I'm only human and I have so much room to grow and so much to learn. God's greatness is most evident in our weakness. My prayer is that He'll use every part of us, strengths, weaknesses, personality quirks, and all that He created us to be, for His glory this year.
I'll update the blog with photos and entries about my events soon!
May God bless you and your families during this wonderful season.
Sasha Townsend