Kendalll Whittier, Inc.'s annual benefit, titled "A Beautiful Night For the Neighborhood" was a huge success. We raised a lot of money that will enable us to continue serving the Kendall Whittier community through our youth mentoring program and emergency food pantry. It was a first class event, and Forever Plaid! was a hoot! I've decided that I need one of those jackets because they are too cool! I laughed so hard. We began the night with a raffle of wonderful prizes and heard inspirational speeches from a parent, a child, and a volunteer who have personally benefited from KWI programming. I am honestly thrilled to be a small part of the team that made that happen.
The following weekend, several of Janitha Jendrzey's bridesmaids got together and surprised our friend with a personal bridal shower at the Jan's favorite restaurant, the Melting Pot! Jan is an excellent judge of character! Although I was meeting the majority of these women for the first time, we all laughed hard, had a great conversation, and had a lot in common. The whole group helped me repair Jan's bridal shower cake. Bobby made another incredible cake. The cake was in the shape of a Louis Vuitton handbag and the fondant "handles" fell out of the cake and ruined the icing as I was transporting it to the MP. In the end though, we creatively fixed the cake, Jan loved it, and all of us had the chance to celebrate Jan, our friendship with her, and the beginning of her fairy tale with soon-to-be husband Chris Moore.
The next morning I ran in the 2009 Run For Life/Walk For Adoption, a benefit for Catholic Charities of Tulsa. I ran with my local titleholder sash on. A person on the sidelines kept yelling, "Goooooo Mrs. Tulsa! There goes Mrs. Tulsa! Mrs. Tulsa is headed for the finish line!" LOL I felt the need to represent all of women in pageantry well so I ran the whole way! I'm still not a runner per se, but I'm getting there! It was a fun appearance and I took photos with several little ones who wanted to meet me. Anytime I can use my title to bring new excitement to the pro-life cause, I'm glad to do it. A lot of families were happy to know that Mrs. Tulsa is pro-life.
On September 30 and October 7, I co-led workshops 4 and 5 of the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative's Forever For Real workshop series at Family & Children's Services. I love leading this workshop. I love knowing that I am giving couples valuable information, information that could very well save and enrich their relationships if they are willing to apply it. I also learn a lot myself as I get to know the participants and present the material. The workshops always serve as reminders of how I can be a better wife to Bobby, a better servant and a better helper for him. In our workshops, we emphasize that each person should decide to make it safe to connect and to do their part -- and that each person should not worry so much about whether or not the other person is doing their part. My former pastor's wife, Becky Hunter, at Northland Community Church in Central Florida, wrote a book called Being Good to Your Husband on Purpose. That's the kind of wife I want to be. Every time I teach this class, I come home a little bit more ready to be good to Bobby on purpose.
This Monday, I was assigned the role of Grammarian at Toastmasters and I won the "Best Evaluator" award! These little things (awards, etc.) are very encouraging to a newbie like me. I can't wait to become a phenomenal public speaker. It's going to take time, but I know I will get there...and then I'll continue to participate in Toastmasters because I believe that (1) when we have been nurtured and taught by others, we should pay it forward and (2) there is always more to learn.
We had a spirited discussion at this week's Forever. For Real. workshop, and I think we learned a lot from each other in addition to what we learned from the planned material. I will post again soon about the subject matter: forgiveness.
Tonight, we go to the Creed concert and I get to see one of the sweetest people in the world, Jaclyn Stapp! Jaclyn and I finally have the chance to introduce our husbands. :) Tomorrow, I have a photo shoot with the fabulous Wendy Mutz in Oklahoma City. Next week, I have the last Forever For Real workshop in this series and the fairytale wedding of Janitha Jendzrey and Christopher Moore in Austin next weekend. All of this and grading...lots and lots of grading.
I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend! I hope God blesses you and guides you, and uses you to make a difference in the lives of others. I'll post photos soon!
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