What an incredible experience! The contestants at the Ms. Senior Oklahoma pageant have inspired me for the second consecutive year. These ladies are beautiful in every sense of the word. They shared their favorite historical moments, their hobbies, and their wisdom and advice for living a fulfilling life. They showed that true beauty is present at any age. The event was presented by Grace Hospice, on September 6, at the VanTrease Center for the Performing Arts. With over 35 representatives from Oklahoma's senior living facilities and organizations, only four lovely women were crowned in the following categories: Assisted Living, Independent Living, Long Term Care and Adult Day Care.
After the pageant, I had the opportunity to speak with several of these ladies backstage. I congratulated them on their performances, and I even had a heart-to-heart with Ms. Senior Oklahoma Independent Living, Marie Wadley. She is 102 years old! She looked lovely and gave a great speech. She was thrilled and truly honored to have been awarded the title, and she is a very sweet lady. Marie was very deserving, although I admit that it was a tough pageant to judge in 2007 and I don't think it was any easier in 2008. All of the ladies had so much offer us with their inner beauty, wisdom, and sense of style. Here are some photos from the event. I only hope I can age as gracefully as these ladies.
With Ms. Peasant Valley Health Care, Beverly Kinser
With Ms. Quail Villa, Jean Frazee
(Below) With the newly crowned
Ms. Senior Oklahoma, Marie Wadley

here to read about Marie and her crowning!
(There is an error in the article. Although I attended the pageant
and spent time with Marie, I did not crown her that weekend.)
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