I believe the above statement with my whole heart, and this is another such opportunity to learn how we can better help children right here in Oklahoma. Dr. Valerie Raymond will be conducting a one day seminar on starting a Banana Splits chapter on November 5, 2008, from 10 AM to 3:30 PM in New York City. The fee for attending is $175 per school for non-NYAIS members. (NYAIS stands for New York Association of Independent Schools). The seminar is not required to start a chapter, but it is an excellent opportunity to learn from a psychologist who has led Banana Splits groups for over 30 years. If my schedule and budget permit, I hope to attend as Mrs. Oklahoma and learn from Dr. Raymond in person at her seminar this fall. I will do my best to arrange and rearrange my schedule so that I may attend. We'll see how it goes. :) Dr. Raymond maintains the online Banana Splits Resource Center as well.
Here is the seminar description as written on the NYAIS website:
Banana Splits in Your School: Starting a Group for Children with Divorced/Deceased Parents
This seminar for school counselors/psychologists, nurses, administrators and teachers will prepare participants, upon return to their home schools, to institute and run groups for students at all age levels with divorced/deceased/single parents. Using print and audiovisual materials as well as simulation activities, this is a comprehensive seminar covering the following:
* What is Banana Splits?
* Rationale: Why include such groups in mainstream independent schools?
* The nature of a successful school group program for Split kids
* The subjective experience of Split students and parents
* Preparation and involvement of school staff and parents in a Banana Splits program
* Specifics on how to launch the program
* Specific activities for different age levels
Dr. Valerie Raymond has 30 years' experience in the New York City independent schools as a teacher, learning specialist, and school psychologist, in addition to her psychology practice. She holds a masters degree in special education, a doctorate in applied educational psychology, and a postdoctoral specialization in counseling psychology, all from Columbia University. She is frequently invited to speak to groups of parents and teachers as well as professional groups, on topics from attention deficit disorder to divorce. Dr. Raymond currently serves on the professional advisory board of the Gateway School and is a school psychologist at Friends Seminary where she has led Banana Splits groups for 20 years.
NOTE for travellers:
Inexpensive, convenient lodging at:
Seafarers & International House
123 East 15th Street
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