Hi everyone! I had an amazing time at the Mrs. Oklahoma Pageant this weekend. Alyssa Baldwin Siler is the new Mrs. Oklahoma! I couldn't be happier for her! The competition was incredible. It was such a competitive year. Tracy and her team produced an excellent pageant. It was clear from the moment I decided to compete that Tracy loves her contestants and wants each of them to do their personal best as public servants and contestants at the state and national and possible international pageants of Mrs. Oklahoma, Mrs. America, and Mrs. World.
Mrs. Oklahoma 2009 Heather Rouba has left an incedible legacy. She left a legacy of service to others, through her platform of strengthening marriage and family, through her service and message to the women of Oklahoma, and her dedication to the contestants and leadership of the Mrs. Oklahoma America organization. She is also a gorgeous, fashion-forward, health-conscious, creative, talented, determined, community-minded, extremely efficient woman of faith. She is always learning and she is very observant. She made over 250 appearances I believe (I'm quoting this from another person. I may be wrong...). In addition to making appearances and serving others through OMI, Smart Singles, and the women's ministry at her church, she assisted Tracy with the recruitment of a group of beautiful, fit, articulate, service-minded women I competed with this weekend and connected many sponsors with the Mrs. Oklahoma program. She set a very high standard for what it means to be Mrs. Oklahoma. From my interactions with Alyssa this weekend, I know that with Alyssa as our own Mrs. Oklahoma, the pageant, the caliber of contestants, the involvement with OK Mozart and our personal platforms, will only improve! The Mrs. Oklahoma program will continue to grow and the organization and its contributions will be better a year from now than they are today.
As for the competition itself, as I said, these women were incredible! Among the group of 19, there were easily more than ten of us who could have made the top ten. This was a group of go-getters as I have never seen before at a pageant, (and many of you know that I have competed in many pageants over the years). These women had great abs(!!!), and incredible service records, and impressive resumes. They were also genuine and kind. They thought of every detail. They have such good hearts! I believe that every contestant sold at least one ad page, which is a testimony to the fact that these women are as proactive and dedicated as they are beautiful. The women I competed with this weekend were all very different, but each person had something wonderful to offer. I can honestly say I made many, many great new friends. These are women that I admire and respect. Although I'm not Mrs. Oklahoma 2010, I feel that I have won. :)
I was honored to make the top ten. I also earned the Ambassador Award, which is given to the contestant who makes the most appearances with her local title, and the Contestant's Choice award. Contestant's Choice was a huge honor, because the contestants were asked to select the person they hoped would win (if it couldn't be them). I devoted the last eight months to serving Tulsa. I made many appearances, with the majority related to my platform of supporting families & addressing divorce. My service efforts, new relationships, my job with Blended Love, the commitment I made to health & fitness and developing my speaking skills...these things have forever changed me. In the past eight months, I have seen that anyone, at any time, in any financial situation, can make their dreams come true by striving to achieve a goal and contributing their talents and strengths and passion to their local community.
I believe God has many purposes for each of us, and addressing the divorce issue is one of mine. Everything I learned in the pursuit of becoming Mrs. Oklahoma has helped me to step out of my comfort zone and develop myself, so that I can give of myself. Self-centered personal development isn't what Mrs. Oklahoma is about. It is personal development for a purpose; its personal development so that you can serve and share God's love with others.
I want to thank Tracy Crist for giving all of us this opportunity to serve and to grow. Alyssa, Bobby and I were both impressed with the way you handled the "number" situation in the lobby of the Sleep Inn! You are smart and resourceful. You took initiative. You're a problem solver. CF is such an important cause. I also loved talking to you in the wings in our little "clump". I can't wait to follow your year! You are already an outstanding Mrs. Oklahoma. Heather, thank you for your leadership, friendship and example. You have shown us what it means to be Mrs. Oklahoma! I love you! To my fellow contestants, I admire and respect every one of you, and I mean Every One. Please stay in touch!
I want to thank my handsome husband Bobby for supporting me in my desire to serve our state as Mrs. Oklahoma. I am so blessed to be yours. :) You make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. It is your belief in me that helped me to believe in myself. I love you! Jade, thank you for traveling all the way from Florida to experience this with me! I love you! Ilquia, I love you, girl! I'm so glad to know you and to be your friend. You made me look so beautiful! Thank you!
Today, I find myself remembering that all things happen for a reason. Competition in pageantry is about the journey, not the destination. Being a titleholder is never about you; it's always about serving others. Every opportunity you embrace to do good brings you one step closer to being the person God created you to be. If you make a commitment, follow through. If you do your best, you've won. Today, while I know that I have much more to learn, I know I'm a child of God; I'm grateful for this experience; I feel like a winner. :)
I would like to thank my sponsors. My pageant participation wouldn't be possible without the generosity and kindness of these wonderful business people. Please patronize these business owners and find them on facebook!
*Ilquia Gonzalez Anderson, who provided my hair & make-up (I love you, Ilquia!!)
*Dr. Lauren Whenry, my dentist, who provided free in-office teeth whitening and an at-home touch up kit (My smile as never been so white! Thank you!);
*Oxygen, Inc., who provided a beautiful appearance wardrobe (You have made me look and feel beautiful for months! Thank you so much!);
*Amanda Carter, Kendy Cox, and the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative, who sponsored my platform ad page for the program book. Thank you for giving me opportunities to support our mutual cause! I'm so grateful to be a part of the work of OMI.
*New Day Media & Gary Murphy, who provided my iFace video and public service announcements for OMI & Forever. For Real. Thank you for believing in me! You are awesome!
*Aspen Athletic Club, who provided me with a free membership through June 30 (I've never been so fit! Thanks!)
*Wendy Mutz, who provided my Mrs. Tulsa promotional photos (I adore my photos, Wendy! Thank you! Also, thank you for the Just Chill drinks for all of the contestants!);
*My friends and family, who donated money so that I could pay for my alterations. Thank you so much! I felt like a queen in my gown. Your support means more than you know.
*Monica Epperson & Blended Love, for giving me the opportunity to live my dream.