Above, I am pictured with Sarah at the salon and in an 'after' picture after we came up with my new on-stage look! Thank you Sarah and Melissa for all of your help!
My life as a happily married wife, mommy to three awesome doggies, Mrs. Green Country and an advocate for children & families
I just got back from Youth Services of Tulsa's Runaway 5K. What a great experience! The 5K is a benefit for the Youth Services of Tulsa, to raise awareness of Safe Place. Safe Place is a program which offers youth in need immediate help at 164 sites all over Tulsa, including Tulsa Transit stations, QuikTrip gas stations, and fire stations. If a young person has run away, or needs safety from conflicts at home, danger at home or with peers, or from substance abuse issues, Safe Place locations provide immediate help. With over 300 participants, the event was a huge success!
At the 5K, I discussed my goals for my year as Mrs. Oklahoma with director of development, Barry Maxwell. Barry was very encouraging and receptive. I explained to Barry that I wanted to help Youth Services in whatever way I could -- in whichever roles YST needs me. I shared that being Mrs. Oklahoma is based on my community service platform, and that this is an opportunity to be a local celebrity for a year to promote a cause that means the world to me. I'm pretty sure that I broke the pageant stereotype for one woman, and that helps so much in what we do. There is such a stereotype out there and there is the only one way to break it...by showing people that we are here to serve(!) and that we have a lot more to offer than outer beauty.
I also spoke with Mayor Kathy Taylor of Tulsa. She and I talked about divorce support for youth, education in the Tulsa area, and youth issues in general. I explained that all of these issues overlap. Children of divorce are statistically more likely to have self-esteem issues, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and children of divorce act out in a number of ways. Gang involvement and teen pregnancy are shown to be related to parental divorce. Children who have problems with their family life and family-identity are more likely to make poor choices. One out of three children of divorce drop out of high school. Banana Splits and similar programs are preventative. Not all children of divorce are in trouble, so clearly, it doesn't have to be that way! My goal is to help children to choose the road less traveled, to choose good decision-making over bad, and to understand how valuable they are and how much they have to offer the world. Mayor Taylor invited me to call her office and set another appointment to discuss these issues. Maybe then we'll take a picture without running a 5K just a few minutes beforehand! It was neat to see the mayor giving back to Tulsa youth in this way.
In the US I believe that all of us have the same opportunities; we simply don't have the same support systems. My grandmother on my mother's side came to the US from the Philippines because she believed that this was the land of opportunity. With hard work, she believed all things are possible. As a female graduate student in mathematics whose gender has only helped me and never hurt me, I tend to agree. But this does not mean that 'success', however you define it, is equally easy for all of us. I hope to provide children who have little to no social support systems with more social support. I believe that those support systems, whether they be in our homes, churches, or community organizations like YST, can make the difference between an A student and a C student, a confident young person and an angry young person, a grounded, community-minded adult or one who has no experience in self-care, physically, financially, intellectually or spiritually. It is my hope that we can help these kids by giving them the social support and confidence they need to see the many opportunities before them and move forward to make their impact on the world. I don't want kids to just get by -- I want them to reach or exceed their potential. I want them to have extraordinary lives of purpose, service, and hope. I was very happy to see that so many staff members, volunteers, and Tulsans at the Youth Services 5K have the same vision.
2008 Miss Oklahoma America Pageant
Last night I attended the Miss Oklahoma pageant finals with pageant sisters Miss Tulsa International Janitha Jendzrey and Miss Oklahoma International Megan Johnson. Like everyone else at the pageant, the three of us had a great time! family responsibilities, I admired these beautiful young women for all of their hard work, for deciding to undertake this journey. It's a journey where you decide to better yourself and give as much as you can to serve others. Janitha and I also had the chance to meet former Mrs. International Michelle Fryatt. One of Michelle's friends was sitting behind us at the pageant and she introduced us. Michelle is an Ada native who was there to support her niece Miss Ada (MAO). I recognized Michelle as the emcee from the 2007 video and she was just as warm and well-spoken in person as she was on DVD during the 2007 pageant. I told her that I loved the fact that our pageant was 50% platform-based interview and that we didn't have to wear swimsuits! I love that Mrs. International recognizes that communicating a vision for your year and making a difference with our titles is priority #1 and that while fitness is important, we don't have to show that much skin to show that we're fit! Jan and I took pictures with Michelle and her very outgoing brother! It was a pleasure, and I'm sure I'll see Michelle again in July! As the pageant drew to a close, I thought about all of the opportunities pageantry provides us to grow and mature, and to give to others, with or without a crown. All of this so clique'. Still, I write it because it's true! Whether I win in July or not, the journey is life-changing, and the opportunities I have this year to give of myself and serve children of divorce and their families are experiences that shouldn't be traded for anything. I went to church this morning and the pastor spoke about showing God's love through our actions in every aspect of our lives. We're not just Christians on Sunday. We go out and do God's work wherever He plans for us to be. This is consistent with my Florida church's mission to do God's work wherever we go and in whatever we do. I hope to share God's love with others, especially families struggling through divorce, wherever I am. I think Janitha, Megan and the Oklahoma America contestants would agree that it's not about winning, but about letting God mold us into His image and giving us a chance to share God with others through loving action. I believe that pageants help me to become who God wants me to be. He doesn't need a pageant do that obviously, but I believe he uses pageantry to change me and help me mature. I am so grateful that God included this opportunity to serve as Mrs. Oklahoma in His plan for me! Thank you, Lord! Amen. For more pictures and news go to www.SashaTownsend.com/photos.htm and www.missoklahoma.org.
The production was incredible and each of the contestants was worthy of the title. They were all so fit, so beautiful, and so well-spoken. Knowing the discipline required to get into tip-top shape, to develop one's talent, and to serve in one's community in addition to their academic, career and
The new Miss Oklahoma America is Kelsey Cartwright. She is stunningly beautiful, extremely talented, and she was warm and engaging during her on-stage chat with Lauren Nelson. All of the contestants were incredible, and I couldn't narrow the ten down to five much less pick a winner, because they were all so outstanding in their own ways. Maybe Kelsey will be Miss America #7 for Oklahoma! I believe what Lauren said about the best girls coming from Oklahoma -- Oklahoma has smart, down-to-earth, disciplined young people who value their families and communities and want to change the world. Although I am a transplant from Florida, I am proud to be an Okie today! I may be biased but I believe it's true, and besides that, I married an Okie! They're definitely doing something right out here in terms of raising outstanding young people who will make their mark on society.
Oklahoma Marriage Initiative's Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
June 5, 2008 - Today I was a part of the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative's volunteer appreciation luncheon and I was interviewed for OMI's upcoming promotional video. The interview was my first interview since the pageant, so I was a little overexcited, but other than that I think it went well! I was able to speak about Banana Splits, PREP and how divorce prevention is an important part of my mission for my year of service as Mrs. Oklahoma. A solid, satisfying, lasting marriage is the foundation for a happy, healthy family. I think happy healthy families are possible -- we just have a long way to go in teaching people communication skills and getting the word out about programming offered through OMI. That's why I am so proud to be a part of OMI as a volunteer marriage educator.
I also spoke with my tablemates about Banana Splits and what they were doing in their communities. So many positive things are being done, and everything is being tried to help people couples who want to have satisfying marriages to get the skills they need to do just that! PREP curriculum has been adapted through a program called Connections for youth in our high schools. We're teaching inmates about PREP and youth are attending PREP sessions with their parents to gain the valuable and necessary communications skills that, unfortunately, aren't taught in the classroom. Times are changing, and ultimately, I think the divorce culture in Oklahoma is going to change so that while divorces will continue to happen, they will only happen when necessary. There are so many marriages that fail unnecessarily because of lack of understanding and skills about how to be a great spouse. I agree with the PREP materials that state, "When it comes to loving the most important people in our lives, there is always more to learn!" Oklahoma is unique in that we're actually addressing this issue, and I think the culture is slowly changing.
While divorce rates have leveled off, the number of children being born out of wedlock continues to skyrocket. Regardless of the divorce rate, there are still young people that have little to no positive examples of what a healthy relationship is. There is still much work to be done, and OMI is working to do it! I'm honored to be a part of what they are doing for families across the state.
Here, I'm pictured with service delivery coordinator Amanda Carter at the Spaghetti Warehouse in Tulsa. She helped me to get involved in OMI back in 2007. She's very professional, kind, and competent and I admire her efforts and her successes in marketing PREP in the greater Tulsa area. I hope to do the same thing for Banana Splits. I only have on year, so I have to make the most of it!